Thursday, November 16, 2017

Halaqa # 88

Safar 27, 1439

A Balanced Life

Year 4
  • 8 Sisters
  • 3 Junior Guests

Location: Headquarters
Agenda: (please note, we have included many links where you can read in detail more on each subject)

Sister Marwa read our opening  Dua.

O Allah, bless this Halaqa, allow us to gain, act upon and share beneficial knowledge.
Guide us, forgive our sins and grant us Jannah with our families and loved ones.
O my Lord increase me in knowledge*.  رَّبِّ زِدْنِى عِلْمًا   Ameen

We read Surah Fatihah aloud altogether, then sisters individually read aloud a few letters/words, ayahs (according to her ability and with the help and encouragement of her fellow sisters). We read Surah Yusuf from Ayah 64 to Ayah 69.  In sha Allah, this will be an ongoing part of our Halaqa and one day in sha Allah, we will have Khatam Quran and begin again.
Sister Cindy read an English Approximation (Sahih International) of the above verses.

We have chosen to use Tafsir Ibn Kathir.
Volume 5 Page 179-184 (From our library shelf)
Sister Lamiaa read:
“Ya’qub Orders His Children to enter Egypt from Different Gates”
You can view this tafsir online: Link
Sister Alia shared with the sisters an additional Tafsir.
link to tafsir (sorry it is only in Arabic)

We listened to Sister Noura recite  Surah Al-Ma'un

The above link has both the recitation by Sheikh Husary and the individual word pronunciation (click on each word) for learning Arabic and the link below is useful for study as well.

Sisters who practice their reading in sha Allah will have an opportunity at the next Halaqa to have a sister listen to their recitation.
Tajweed rule

Sister Dania presented our Tajweed Rule.
Online video course: E-Learning Centre  (Relevant to today’s lesson starting from 7:25)
Summary Chart  Masha Allah, we have completed ¾ of this chart.

Alhamdulillah, Sister Noora has volunteered her time and expertise to teach sisters Arabic
and Tajweed. Please contact us to join our learning Arabic group if you would like to take
advantage of this generous offer.
Sisters read Publisher’s Note  #5
Discussion: We listen to Sister Maryum’s opinion to only follow three books, then we discussed which direction to take and decided on the following:. To make the videos a priority over the book “Don’t Be Sad”. and to add the above book to our Halaqa.

Detailed information on this book: Dar-us-Salam Publications
Sister Rim read the Introduction: pages 22 - 25
Discussion:  Was your marriage day “The best day of your life?”
Sister Sara shared the following
  • NEXT HALAQA and News

In sha Allah, our next Halaqa will be on Thursday, December 7th at Sister Marwa’s.

In sha Allah, Friends and Family will be meeting next week.

Sisters read Today is all that you have   
Image designer: Safina5
We have this book in our Library (it is currently borrowed, but you can submit a request to borrow, in sha Allah)
Durning our Halaqa discussions, we covered the following two Duas.

الهم نعوذ بك أن نكون عبرة لأحدٍ من خلقك         
O Allah we ask you to protect us from being an exemplary lesson (of punishment or misguidance) to any of your creations.

عَنْ أَنَسٍ قَالَ
كَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يُكْثِرُ أَنْ يَقُولَ
(يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِكَ)
O Allah, the Turner of the hearts, keep my heart firm on your religion

Sister’s Cindy and Marwa read a Summary of the second part of Chapter Three
Discussion: We tried to guess the 5 guidelines (mentioned in the book.), that should be followed when a mother contemplates working.
  • VIDEO  
We ran out of time for the video and decided next Halaqa to move the video up in priority in sha Allah.

Sister Winnie and Lamiaa read our closing Dua.

For the expiation of sins, said at the conclusion of a sitting or gathering. To listen to this dua click here

196 - "How perfect You are O Allah, and I praise You. I bear witness
that None has the right to be worshipped except You. I seek Your
forgiveness and turn to You in repentance."

سُبْحـانَكَ اللّهُـمَّ وَبِحَمدِك، أَشْهَـدُ أَنْ لا إِلهَ إِلاّ أَنْتَ أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتوبُ إِلَـيْك

Subhânaka l-lâhumma wa bi-hamdika. Ash-hadu an lâ ilâha illâ
anta, astaghfiruka wa atûbu ilayka.

If any of this information was good and true, know that it comes from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.  If there are mistakes we ask for Allah’s Forgiveness and Mercy.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Nurturing Eeman in Children Chapter 3: (1/3)

The Basics of Parenting (part 1)

The importance of the marital relationship

A strong marriage leads to a properly functioning family and, in turn, a solid foundation for society. Marriage is so important in Islam that the Prophet (saws) said:
«Whoever marries has completed half of his faith. So let him have fear of Allah in the remaining half.»

Marriage is thus a form of worship and an opportunity to enhance one’s subservience to Allah. The couple should focus on growing together in obedience and love of Allah, and should seek Islamic knowledge for the goal of developing eeman and fear of Allah in their hearts. Their lives and life decisions should be based upon the teachings of the Noble Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (saws), and their children should be nurtured in such a rich environment.

Considerations in Marriage

Prior to marriage, one must carefully select a mate, giving priority to the eeman or faith of the person and not his or her social status, wealth, nationality, beauty, and so on. One should also enter the marriage with a commitment to the relationship and to following the guidance of Allah in all matters and decisions. Marriage is a relationship in which there should be mutual love, affection and compassion between the spouses, and in which the husband is protective, caring and generous toward his wife, and the wife is obedient and respectful toward her husband.

The happiness of the other partner should always be placed above one’s own will or desires.

Through these efforts, the couple will find repose and harmony in each other’s company. Marriage is a blessing, but it can also be a test from Allah, the Exalted, the Almighty. When problems arise, the couple should discuss possible solutions in an appropriate manner. Each must place his or her trust in Allah, seek to achieve the best in His way, and rely upon Allah’s guidance and judgment in all affairs.

Marriage and Parenting

In relation to parenting, the couple must work on strengthening their marriage for sake of their children. It is important to understand that the husband and wife present models of married life to their children, as well as models of parenting. This modelling has a major influence upon the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of a developing child. Children, in fact, learn more by observing others than by what they are told. Marital conflict should be avoided in front of the children, and models should instead be provided of dialogue, compromise, and patience. Consultation, fairness, reasonableness, and equanimity are essential ingredients for a harmonious family unit.