Thursday, September 17, 2015

Halaqa # 36

Thul-Hijjah  3, 1436
The 10 Blessed Days of 

Year 2
  • 6  Sisters
  • 1  Junior Sister
  • 2  Junior Guests
Location:  Celebration Square
Agenda: (please note, we have included many links where you can read in detail more on each subject)

O Allah, bless this Halaqa, allow us to gain, act upon  and share beneficial knowledge. Guide us, forgive our sins and grant us Jannah with our families and loved ones. Ameen

We read Surah Fatihah aloud altogether, then sisters individually read aloud a
few letters/words, ayahs (according to her ability and with the help and encouragement
of her fellow sisters). We read  Surah An-Nissa  from Ayat 148 till Ayat 162. In sha Allah, 
this will be an ongoing part of our Halaqa and one day in sha Allah, we will have Khatam Quran 
and begin again.

  • LEARN: The basic guidelines for Islamic Slaughtering of an Animal
Sister Winnie came across an article written by Imam Ilyas Sidyot who lives in Saskatchewan, titled: The spirit behind Eid-ul-Adha.
Sister Marwa read aloud to the group, the correct etiquette and steps of the sacrifice taken directly from the article.
The sacrifice should be performed during the day-time, not at night.
The knife to be used to cut the animal's throat should be very sharp, so much so that the least amount of force or pressure is needed to slice the animal's jugular vein, so it feels the least amount of pain when its skin is thus cut
The knife should not be shown to the animal, but the latter should be fed well and laid down facing the direction of the "Qiblah" (Muslim direction of prayer - the Ka'ba) in Makkah.
The person who will perform the sacrifice should be well-versed in their job, and should not hurt the animal by clumsily jabbing away at the latter's throat with a blunt knife, causing pain and fear. The one performing the sacrifice should be swift and deft. He should say "Bismillah Allahu Akbar" before slicing the animal's throat. The owner of the animal should recite the following dua (invocation) before the sacrifice (translation): "Indeed I turn my face towards The One Who originated the heavens and the earth; upon the way of Abraham, the unswerving one, and I'm not of those who commit shirk [polytheism]. Indeed my salah, my sacrifice, my living and my dying is for Allah, the Sustainer of the worlds. There is no associate with Him, and so I have been commanded, and I am from the ones who submit. O Allah! (This sacrifice) is from me, for You."
The animal dies due to loss of blood. The blood should be allowed to drain completely from its body before it is skinned, disembowelled and chopped. This takes a good half-hour or so. The test to see whether the animal's blood has drained is to touch the animal's body; if it is still warm, it means the blood has not drained completely.
It is absolutely forbidden to start skinning and cutting the animal when it is still alive or writhing. Some butchers, especially the amateur ones, who want to make the maximum amount of money on Eid Al-Adha by slaughtering as many animals as possible, commit grave errors in the process of slaughter. They should not be allowed by the animal-owners to thus abuse the animal. Moreover, it is impermissible for Muslims to consume blood in any form. If the blood has not drained from the animal's body completely before it is cut up, it will remain in the veins inside the meat, thus rendering the meat "haraam" for consumption.
For larger animals such as cows and camels, only expert butchers should try to slaughter them on Eid Al-Adha, and should be booked well in advance. It has been noted that when inexperienced people try to slaughter these large animals themselves (as expert butchers are very busy on this Eid), the latter get scared and become difficult to tie down and subdue, at times dashing off, causing injuries and harm.

s and harm.



Sister Rim presented a short talk about a new study looking at new Canadian
converts and the issues they face after converting. She read an article from
the Ottawa Citizen entitled:
Her talk was followed by a discussion covering various points:  
What are our duties as Muslims to help New Converts?
What are the obstacles that new Muslims face?
What forms of help are in place for New Muslims?
What is the role of Amanah Sister in helping New Muslimah’s?
In sha Allah, we will be exploring these issues further in upcoming Halaqas.
Side Notes:  

On August 5th, Sister Rabia posted in our Alumni Group about this study.  
Click here to see that post.

Some of our members have been contacted by the sister who is conducting
interviews for this study. If you wish to get in contact with this sister, please
email us for her contact information

For more information on this study (including reviews from past participants),
click on the following links:


In sha Allah, our next Halaqa will be held on Thursday October 1st, 2015 outdoors at the Celebration Square in front of the Mississauga Library from
10 am-12 noon. Sisters and children are encouraged to attend.  

Sister Sara had chosen an article to present to the group, but was unable to attend, therefore all the sisters present shared in reading the article out loud.

To read this article click below.

Sister Winnie shared two online articles relative to these days of Dhul-Hijjah.

First days of Dhul Hijjah,  (10:25 ) by Shaikh Yasir Al-Qadhi

For the expiation of sins, said at the conclusion of a sitting or gathering. To listen to this dua click here

196 - "How perfect You are O Allah, and I praise You. I bear witness
that None has the right to be worshipped except You. I seek Your
forgiveness and turn to You in repentance."

سُبْحـانَكَ اللّهُـمَّ وَبِحَمدِك، أَشْهَـدُ أَنْ لا إِلهَ إِلاّ أَنْتَ أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتوبُ إِلَـيْك
Subhânaka l-lâhumma wa bi-hamdika. Ash-hadu an lâ ilâha illâ
anta, astaghfiruka wa atûbu ilayka.

If any of this information was good and true, know that it comes from Allah subhanahu
wa ta’ala.  If there are mistakes we ask for Allah’s Forgiveness and Mercy.

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