Showing posts with label eeman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eeman. Show all posts

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Nurturing Eeman in Children Chapter 3: (2/3)

The Basics of Parenting (part 2)

Gender roles

There is no superiority of one gender over the other. Superiority as a construct is actually measured in terms of righteousness and piety. Within this general framework, Allah has assigned specific roles for males and females in daily functioning. Each gender has been given specific qualities and traits to fulfil their respective roles.  This role differentiation is necessary for effective functioning of the family unit, since Allah has created systems with balance and order. The family is a system and it functions most efficiently when the laws of nature and the laws of Allah are implemented.

While this concept of traditional gender roles is also found in other world religious and cultural groups, the trend (or even norm) in many areas of the world is toward the elimination of such a distinct differentiation.  Muslims should be aware of this and cautious of the attempts being made to disrupt the traditional gender roles ordained by Allah.

The honourable role of motherhood

Motherhood is highly respected in Islam and is a means through which a woman may gain immense spiritual rewards.  Being a mother is the most valuable job in this worldly life, for she will raise the next generation and build a solid foundation for society. Her time will be spent in nurturing, instructing, and guiding — her primary duties as a mother. For this reason, she is given the honour and respect that she deserves.Allah has created this role specifically for women as part of His mercy. For this purpose, Allah has conferred upon women the unique qualities and characteristics necessary for effectual fulfilment of this role. Women tend to be more nurturing, compassionate, sensitive, and patient: all qualities needed to create a warm, loving, and peaceful atmosphere within the home.

Motherhood is a full-time career, entailing pregnancy, giving birth, breastfeeding, and many years of childrearing. These are sufficient responsibilities for one individual without adding the additional burden of having to provide for the family. It is part of Allah’s mercy that women are not required to work outside of the home to bring sustenance for their children.

Women and work
Building families must come first, as this is the main obligation for women. This notion should always be foremost in her mind. Having said that, being a mother does not necessarily preclude work outside of the home. There are some situations, however, where it may be necessary for a mother to work…..., the benefits must carefully be weighed against any harm that may arise.

There are several key guidelines that should be followed when making this decision:

  1. a woman must first obtain consent from her husband, primarily due to the fact that he may have a broader perspective on how her work may influence the family and its functioning;

  1. a woman must ensure that her home and children are properly taken care of and that there is no neglect in this aspect; her absence should not in any way cause harm to her family;

  1. care must be taken to choose employment that is appropriate and fits with the special nature of the woman in accordance with the norms of Islamic law;

  1. care must to taken to avoid jobs which may lead to transgression of the limits of Islam (such as excessive mixing of genders);

  1. she must adhere to the principles of Islam with regard to her clothing and demeanour.

The role of fatherhood

The husband  is responsible for their physical welfare and wellbeing, which also entails a measure of safety and security. Due to this responsibility, the father is the authority in the family and the leader of the family unit and is worthy of due respect and obedience.
In cooperation with the mother, the father also attends to the spiritual, psychological, and intellectual socialization of their children which means that he must be involved in the training and rearing of his children.
Children need interaction and time with their father just as they do with their mother. The Muslim father is an inspiring role model, teacher, friend, and a source of practical advice.
A review on the impact on fatherhood by the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development shows that a child with an involved father has better social skills by the time s/he reaches nursery, performs better academically, and is less likely to have behavioural problems in the future.  Once again, scientific research attests to the wisdom of Islamic teachings.

Nurturing one’s own eeman

The lessons that are acquired over the course of reading this book are not only applicable to children, but to those holding the book as well. This is, in reality, one of the purposes of this endeavour. A long standing tenet in the education field is that we tend to learn the most by teaching others. Parents need to explore other means to enhance their eeman, whether it be through seeking knowledge (essential), increasing worship, or contributing to the Muslim community. Doing this will make the task of nurturing eeman in children all that much easier.

Free PDF Link

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Nurturing Eeman in Children Chapter 3: (1/3)

The Basics of Parenting (part 1)

The importance of the marital relationship

A strong marriage leads to a properly functioning family and, in turn, a solid foundation for society. Marriage is so important in Islam that the Prophet (saws) said:
«Whoever marries has completed half of his faith. So let him have fear of Allah in the remaining half.»

Marriage is thus a form of worship and an opportunity to enhance one’s subservience to Allah. The couple should focus on growing together in obedience and love of Allah, and should seek Islamic knowledge for the goal of developing eeman and fear of Allah in their hearts. Their lives and life decisions should be based upon the teachings of the Noble Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (saws), and their children should be nurtured in such a rich environment.

Considerations in Marriage

Prior to marriage, one must carefully select a mate, giving priority to the eeman or faith of the person and not his or her social status, wealth, nationality, beauty, and so on. One should also enter the marriage with a commitment to the relationship and to following the guidance of Allah in all matters and decisions. Marriage is a relationship in which there should be mutual love, affection and compassion between the spouses, and in which the husband is protective, caring and generous toward his wife, and the wife is obedient and respectful toward her husband.

The happiness of the other partner should always be placed above one’s own will or desires.

Through these efforts, the couple will find repose and harmony in each other’s company. Marriage is a blessing, but it can also be a test from Allah, the Exalted, the Almighty. When problems arise, the couple should discuss possible solutions in an appropriate manner. Each must place his or her trust in Allah, seek to achieve the best in His way, and rely upon Allah’s guidance and judgment in all affairs.

Marriage and Parenting

In relation to parenting, the couple must work on strengthening their marriage for sake of their children. It is important to understand that the husband and wife present models of married life to their children, as well as models of parenting. This modelling has a major influence upon the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of a developing child. Children, in fact, learn more by observing others than by what they are told. Marital conflict should be avoided in front of the children, and models should instead be provided of dialogue, compromise, and patience. Consultation, fairness, reasonableness, and equanimity are essential ingredients for a harmonious family unit.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Nurturing Eeman in Children, Chapter Two Summary


As Muslims, it is important to understand the significance and responsibility of the parenting role, the importance of preparing children for the hereafter, and the obligation of protecting them from the hellfire. This should be a main focus in parenting from an Islamic perspective.

Responsibility and accountability

The Prophet (saws) said:
«Each of you is a guardian and is responsible for his ward. The ruler is a guardian and the man is a guardian of the members of his household; and the woman is a guardian and is responsible for her husband’s house and his offspring; and so each of you is a guardian and is responsible for his ward.»'  
This hadith of the Prophet (saws) emphasizes the fact that parenting is a crucial responsibility that must be approached earnestly and sincerely. Allah will hold each and every parent accountable for how they carried out this responsibility and this will be present on their balance of deeds in the hereafter. For this reason, parenting could be a person’s door to paradise or it could be his or her gate to the hellfire.
Parents have the capability to influence a child more than any other person. This influence, in turn, affects the community in which they live. Families are the building blocks of society, and the society is only as strong as its foundation.

Children as a test from Allah

One of the most fundamental concepts for a parent to understand is that children are a test and that through this test they will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment. Once this is realized, there should be a profound change in how they relate to and deal with their children.

Out of Allah’s mercy to His servants, He sends tribulations and tests so that they may return and repent to Him, giving up that which Allah has forbidden, and so that Allah might forgive them. It is part of Allah’s mercy that tests occur in this life so that our souls might be purified and come back to Allah before we die.

What most people often forget is that blessings may also be a test or tribulation from Allah. Wealth and children, for example, are a trial and a trust by which Allah tests His servants to know who will give thanks for them and who will be distracted from Allah by them

Unfortunately, in this day and age, too many people fail in this test that Allah has given them, or they attempt to avoid the test as much as possible. Other aspects may be given precedence over the children, such as career, money, hobbies, or friendships.

Parenting does require a lot of effort and hard work, but it is also one of the most rewarding tests that Allah could give His servants. It is, above all else, a test of patience, selflessness, and sacrifice.  It is amazing that in the process of nurturing believing children, parents also ‘nurture’ themselves. The increase in eeman that is experienced through parenting will bring one closer to Allah and closer to an understanding of His infinite wisdom and mercy.

Rewards and joys of parenting

Parenting holds some of Allah’s greatest rewards on this earth: unconditional love, bonding and human closeness, shared moments, a smiling face with loving eyes, and hugs full of love and care.

A devout parent will experience the gratification of watching his or her child grow into an obedient servant of Allah; a believer who will love and obey Allah and contribute to the society around him or her. A pious child who supplicates is one of only three ways through which a person may acquire continuing good deeds for presentation on the Day of Judgment.

Goals of parenting

In Soorat Luqman (Chapter 31 12-19 of the Qur’an), we find the wisdom that Prophet Luqman (raa) provided to his son. Luqman was a wise man whose insight was bestowed upon him by Allah. He taught this wisdom to his son for his benefit in this world and the world to come.  Understandably, priority was given to teaching tawheed and warning against polytheism, since this is the foundation of the Islamic creed. Following one’s duty to Allah, he enjoined kindness and obedience to parents. This ingredient is critical in terms of parenting, for it eases the task when children assimilate this principle into their personalities. After informing him of the rights due to Allah and parents through the expression of gratefulness, Luqman reminds his son of the awareness of Allah (swt) in all matters, public and private. Allah is aware of all that we do and for this reason we should have fear of Allah. We should also be cautious about taking sins lightly. Those few verses contain an abundance of wisdom for parents. From this, parents can delineate the important goals for their children.

Activity: Look on the card you were given at the beginning of this talk.

Green cards
  • Belief (eeman) in Allah with pure tawheed and avoidance of associating partners with Allah
  • Kindness, respect and obedience toward parents
  • Fear of Allah and awareness of His all-encompassing presence
  • Establishment of prayer, on time and in the correct manner
  • Enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong
  • Bearing life with patience
  • Humility and meekness
  • Moderation and avoidance of extremes

In addition to these, the following may be added:

Blue cards
  • Strength in belief and faith
  • Attachment to the Qur’an and authentic hadiths
  • Love of and sincerity to Allah, His Messenger, and His Book
  • Adherence to the Sunnah of the Prophet (saws)
  • Understanding of all things from the perspective of Islam
  • Islamic personality, values, and identity
  • Equity and justice in dealing with other
  • Kindness, mercy and good character towards all people
  • Concern for the affairs of all Muslims (aid them, fulfil their rights)
  • Inviting others to Allah and Islam
  • Pride in being Muslim

Associated personality characteristics that would be desirable include the following:

Yellow cards
  • Self-confident and with positive self-esteem
  • Motivated
  • Responsible
  • Persistent, hard-working
  • Capable and skilful
  • Content and satisfied
  • Honest and trustworthy
  • Courageous
  • Leader

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Halaqa # 85

Muharram 15, 1439

Year 4
  • 14 Sisters: 11 in person, 3 virtually     
  • 2 Junior Sisters
  • 4 Junior Guests

Location: Headquarters
Agenda: (please note, we have included many links where you can read in detail more on each subject)

Sister Maryum read:

O Allah, bless this Halaqa, allow us to gain, act upon and share beneficial knowledge. Guide us, forgive our sins and grant us Jannah with our families and loved ones.
O my Lord increase me in knowledge*.  رَّبِّ زِدْنِى عِلْمًا   Ameen

We listened Sister Noora recite Surah Al-Humazah, then practiced our own recitations.  

Sisters who do not know Arabic were encouraged to follow along the Arabic letters and Sisters who know Arabic were encouraged to improve their recitation.

The above link has both the recitation by Sheikh Husary and the individual word pronunciation (click on each word) for learning Arabic.

Sisters who practice their reading in sha Allah will have an opportunity at the next Halaqa to have a sister listen to their recitation. Please arrive at 10am sharp in sha Allah in that case.
Tajweed rule

Sister Dania prepared and presented our Tajweed Rule.

We listened to the Surah Humazah again recited by Sheikh Husary at the end of our Tajweed lesson.

Alhamdulillah, Sister Noura has volunteered her time and expertise to teach sisters
Arabic and Tajweed.  Please contact us if you would like to take advantage of this
generous offer.


We read Surah Fatihah aloud altogether, then sisters individually read aloud a few letters/words, ayahs (according to her ability and with the help and encouragement of her fellow sisters). We read Surah Yusuf from Ayah 38 to Ayah 43.  In sha Allah, this will be an ongoing part of our Halaqa and one day in sha Allah, we will have Khatam Quran and begin again.
Sister Megan read an English Approximation (Sahih International) of the above verses.

We have chosen to use Tafsir Ibn Kathir.
Volume 5 Page 167-170 (From our library shelf)
Sister Rim read  “The Interpretation of the Dreams”.
You can view this tafsir online: Link
Sister Marwa read “O’ Allah!”  
  • Calling upon Allah in times of distress
  • Calling upon Allah in times of joy
We have this book in our Library (it is currently borrowed, but you can submit a request to
borrow, in sha Allah)
Sister Rehab read a Summary of Chapter One.
  • NEXT HALAQA and News

In sha Allah, our next Halaqa will be on Thursday, October 19th at Sister Sara's place.

We discussed starting an online Halaqa Forum.
  • Are you interested? Is there a need?
  • Online format
  • Email options:
    • No email: web-only participation
    • Abridged Email: one summary email of new activity per day
    • Digest Email: up to 25 full new messages in a single email
    • All Email: send each message as it arrives

  • Dua al Ghayb

Sister Izabela led a Dua for a Convert sister who is experiencing some difficulty. To read her beautiful Dua, click here.

Images Courtesy of Chic Craft Design Instagram & Facebook

Sister Maryam read  the Introduction: My Amr page 12/13
Sister Winnie read an article she wrote:
(postponed to next Halaqa in sha Allah)

We watched
The Beginning and the End Introduction  Sheikh Omar Suleiman (3:03)
For the expiation of sins, said at the conclusion of a sitting or gathering. To listen to this dua

196 - "How perfect You are O Allah, and I praise You. I bear witness
that None has the right to be worshipped except You. I seek Your
forgiveness and turn to You in repentance."

سُبْحـانَكَ اللّهُـمَّ وَبِحَمدِك، أَشْهَـدُ أَنْ لا إِلهَ إِلاّ أَنْتَ أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتوبُ إِلَـيْك

Subhânaka l-lâhumma wa bi-hamdika. Ash-hadu an lâ ilâha illâ
anta, astaghfiruka wa atûbu ilayka.

If any of this information was good and true, know that it comes from Allah subhanahu

wa ta’ala.  If there are mistakes we ask for Allah’s Forgiveness and Mercy.